eBUG 2019 Business Meeting Minutes
1. Welcome
Travis Clamon, 2019 and 2020 eBUG Chair, welcomed conference attendees and thanked the conference committee and sponsors: ELUNA, ExLibris, and Western Kentucky University.
2. Approval of 2018 meeting minutes
2018 eBUG business meeting minutes unanimously approved.
3. Treasurer’s report
Laura DeLancey, 2017-2019 eBUG Treasurer, thanked the sponsors. 2018 was the first conference in several years to make money, and 2019 is anticipated to break even.
4. Old business
No old business
5. New business
a. Election of officers: Tao You, from Vanderbilt University, was elected Chair-Elect. Jamen McGranahan, from Vanderbilt University, was elected Secretary / Treasurer.
b. eBUG 2020 will be in Knoxville, TN.