
Ex Libris Bluegrass Users Group Bylaws

Adopted September 25, 2020 at 2020 virtual meeting.

Article 1

NAME: The name of this organization shall be the Ex Libris Bluegrass Users Group (eBUG).

Article 2

MISSION : The mission of eBUG shall be to serve as a forum for sharing information and expertise in the use of the Ex Libris library products among libraries of the Bluegrass region.

Article 3

MEMBERSHIP : Membership shall be automatic to any individual working in a Bluegrass region institution utilizing any Ex Libris software product. The Bluegrass region includes Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia.

Article 4

MEETINGS : There shall be at least one eBUG meeting annually. Additional meetings shall be held in response to interest and needs of the group.

Article 5

VOTING: Voting is performed by the membership present at a meeting.

Article 6

DUES : There are no dues for membership. Meeting registration fees will cover expenses plus any reserve deemed necessary by the officers.

Article 7

OFFICERS : The officers of the Group shall be a Chairperson, a Chairperson-elect, and a Secretary/Treasurer. All officers are signatories on the Group’s checking account.

The Chairperson shall be responsible for the management of the Group and shall call meetings of the officers and others as necessary to take care of business and plan and arrange the meeting(s) of the Group.

The Chairperson-elect shall serve in the absence of the Chairperson and shall assist the Chairperson in his/her duties.

The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial accounts of the Group and maintain the records of the Group. Specific duties shall include: keeping minutes of membership meetings, producing and delivering written treasurer’s reports at membership meetings, and coordinating registration activities.

The officers shall appoint others as necessary to assist with other duties of the organization including, but not limited to, web page and listserv maintenance, local arrangements, and meeting facilitation.


ELECTIONS: Elections shall be conducted annually by a simple majority vote of members submitting their ballot, either in person or electronically. The Officers shall present candidate(s) to the membership with further nominations open from the floor with the consent of the nominee.

If no candidates applied before the election, the write-in votes will be counted in the election.

If no candidates and no write-in votes, the incumbent officers shall continue in their respective offices until their successors are elected or appointed.

TERMS OF OFFICE: The Chairperson-elect shall be elected every year. The Chairperson-elect shall serve one year as Chairperson-elect and then serve one year as Chairperson. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected in even-numbered years for a two-year term.

REPLACING AN OFFICER: Should the Chairperson-elect or Secretary/Treasurer be unable to fulfill the obligation of his/her term the Chairperson shall name an individual to assume the responsibilities for the unexpired portion of the term subject to confirmation at the next membership meeting. Should the Chairperson be unable to fulfill the obligations of his/her term, the Chairperson-elect shall take over the Chairperson’s responsibilities.

Article 9

COMMITTEES: The Chairperson shall establish committees as needed. In addition, the Chairperson shall be responsive to suggestions from members to form special interest committees.

Article 10

COMPENSATION: There shall be no monetary compensation for any officer of the Group for duties performed.

Article 11

AMENDMENT OF THE BYLAWS: Proposed amendments to the Bylaws must be submitted in writing to the Secretary/Treasurer and must be posted to the web site one month in advance of the next meeting. The proposed amendments must be approved by at least two-thirds of those attending the meeting at which the proposed amendments are discussed.

Article 12

PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY: The parliamentary authority for the Group is the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. The Chairperson-elect shall serve as parliamentarian.

Article 13

ARCHIVES: Archives for the group will be maintained at any member institution.